Domino building Wiki

The 2x2 Domino tower is a tower / wall based trick that can be built to be very high. For this particular size, you will start off with 8 dominoes for the base, placed in a certain manner; 2 walls next to each other, with a gap of a domino's length - 2 widths between. 

There are 4 different layers stacked on top of each other, alternating and repeating in order to create such a tower. To begin, you can choose between any of them, but you must construct them in only this ord

2x2 domino tower order

Cycle of 2x2 tower

er relative to each other. An image of the cycle can be seen on this page.

To trigger this tower, there are a variety of different techniques, which include: using small to large sets, string, mousetraps, or simply just tossing a domino into the tower. Whatever it is, the main factor of destroying this tower is force, and thus impact. A domino line on the ground will not be able to knock it down as there is insufficient energy to push out part of the tower to start the falldown. Whereas, a small to large set startes off with a normal domino line, which then slowly builds up force through larger-sized dominoes.


2x2 tower
